Welcome to our premier yacht agency, serving the beautiful Spanish waters with a wide range of dedicated services to enhance your yachting experience.
Yacht Agent Services
Yacht Agent Services
Port and Customs Formalities
Fuel bunkering
Technical Assistance
Tanks disposal
Cleaning and Laundry Services
Spare Parts and consumables
24/7 Medical Assistance
Provisioning Food & Beverages
Customized Concierge
Crew Solutions
VIP bookings and transfers
Private Events
Support & Logistics
Project & Contractors
Destinations & Yacht Agent
Your local experts with the best connections to Spanish ports and suppliers.
We stand out in the sector
Why hire GMC Yachting as your Yacht Agent?
There are several compelling reasons why you should consider engaging our services at GMC Yachting for all your yacht-related needs. Here are just a few of them.

Qualified professionals
Our team of Naval Architects, Project Managers and Yacht Representatives stand as guardians of excellence, orchestrating seamless operations and overseeing every aspect of your yacht’s journey with meticulous attention.
Always ready for you
We are available 24/7, ready to respond promptly to your inquiries and accommodate any special requests in all Spanish Ports.
Personalized service
At GMC Yachting, we understand that each client is unique, and we pride ourselves on providing personalized service that is tailored to your individual needs and desires.